RIM Seminar - March 30 - Trafton on HRI

A RIM Seminar will be held by Greg Trafton from Naval Research Laboratory on Wednesday, March 30 at Noon. This talk will take place in the Marcus Nanotech Building. Lunch will be served. The seminar will focus on cognitive driven robotics systems and implications with in HRI.

The Intersection Between Human Robot Interaction and Cognitive Robotics
Greg Trafton
Naval Research Laboratory
Robotics and cognitive science have both progressed to a point where we can now build cognitively plausible models that are embodied on robotic platforms. One of the recent drum-beats in cognitive science is embodied cognition; we are building models that think and act like people do using robotic platforms. From this starting point, I will describe our robotic architecture that is based on how the mind functions as well as show why we believe that our models are capturing human behavior accurately. I will also show how these cognitive models can lead to natural human robot interaction.
Greg Trafton is the head of the Intelligent Systems Section at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. He has degrees in computer science (Trinity University) and cognitive science (Princeton University). He has been working on cognitively plausible human robot interaction as well as predicting and preventing procedural errors.