Tucker Balch
Associate Professor

- Office:
- CCB 317
- Phone:
- (404) 385-2861
- Email:
- tucker [at] cc [dot] gatech [dot] edu
- Website:
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~tucker/
Tucker Balch is an associate professor of computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology and an adjunct research scientist at CMU's Robotics Institute. His research focuses on behavior-based control, learning and diversity in multi-robot teams. He has also begun a novel research program involving the automatic tracking and analysis of social insect behavior. Professor Balch has published over 60 journal and conference papers in AI and robotics. His book "Robot Teams" (edited with Lynne Parker) is now available from AK Peters.
Dr. Balch has been involved in several robot hardware development efforts, including a leadership role in multirobot teams that placed first in the AAAI-97 and AAAI-94 Mobile Robot Competitions.