Courses Offered in Robotics at Georgia Tech
Aerospace Engineering
- AE 4580 Introduction to Avionics Integration
- AE 4803A: Avionics for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- AE 4803B: Micro/Mini Air Vehicle Technology
- AE 6503: Helicopter Stability and Control
- AE 6505: Random Processes and Kalman Filtering
- AE 6506: Aerospace Guidance and Navigation
- AE 6511: Aerospace Optimal Guidance and Control
- AE 6520: Advanced Flight Dynamics
- AE 6531: Robust Control I
- AE 6551: Cognitive Engineering
- AE 6580: Aerospace Nonlinear Control
Applied Physiology
- APPH 6203: Biomechanics/Kinesiology in Prosthetics and Orthotics
College of Computing
- CS 4600: Intelligent Systems
- CS 4612/7612: Artificial Intelligence Planning
- CS 4631: Intelligent Robotics and Perception
- CS 6455: User Interface Design and Evaluation
- CS 6750: Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 7630: Autonomous Robots
- CS 7641: Machine Learning
- CS 8001IS: Intelligent Systems Seminar
- CS 8001: Intelligence Perception and Robotics Seminar
- CS 8803: Human-Robot Interaction
- CS 8803B: Artificial Intelligence
- CS 8803D: Multiview Geometry for Computer Vision
- CS 8803L: Autonomous MultiRobot Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 2031: Digital Hardware Design Laboratory Includes robotics projects
- ECE 4560: Introduction to Automation and Robotics
- ECE 4562: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Control
- ECE 4570: System Theory for Communication and Control
- ECE 4006: Senior Design Project including robotics projects
- ECE 489X: Embedded Systems
- ECE 4803: Embedded Control Systems
- ECE 6435: Neuromorphic Analog VLSI Circuits
- ECE 6550: Linear Systems and Controls
- ECE 6551: Digital Control
- ECE 6552: Nonlinear Systems and Control
- ECE 6553: Optimal Control and Optimization
- ECE 6554: Adaptive Control
- ECE 6555: Optimal Estimation
- ECE 6556: Intelligent Control
Georgia Tech Professional Education
Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ISYE 6215: Human-Machine Systems
- ISYE 6224: Human-Integrated Systems
Mechanical Engineering
- ME 4803: Motion Control
- ME 4451: Robotics
- ME 6401: Linear Control
- ME 6402: Nonlinear Control
- ME 6403: Digital Control
- ME 6404: Advanced Control System Design and Implementation
- ME 6405: Mechatronics
- ME 6406: Machine Vision
- ME 6407: Robotics
- ME 8843: Nonserial Robotics
- PSYC 6014: Sensation & Perception
- PSYC 6017: Human Abilities
- PSYC 7101: Engineering Psych I
- PSYC 7104: Psychomotor & Cog Skill