At the start of each semester a core seminar series is announced featuring guest speakers from around the world and from varying backgrounds in robotics. In addition to guest speakers, on campus research projects have also been presented. Seminars are held in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building (NanoTech) and the Micro Electronics Research Center (MiRC). Room number is subject to availability and space needs. The most up to date information on seminars can be found by subscribing to the rim-seminar mailing list.
Complete listing of RIM@GT Fall Semester 2011 Seminar Series.
Seminar - Oct. 5 Pronobis on Semantic Mapping
Andrzej Pronobis will be giving a talk on mobile robots and semantic mapping. This will be in addition to our previsouly planned seminar on Wednesday at noon. Room number for the talk is still TBA. Check seminar mailing list for room number announcment.
RIM Seminar - August 24 - Edwin Olson on Multiagent Ground Vehicles
Edwin Olson from the University of Michigan will be our 1st speaker for the 2011 Fall RIM Seminar Series on August 24th at 12 noon in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building. Lunch will be served. The talk will focus on results from the MAGIC 2010 Autonomous Robotics Competition. His bio & abstract are below.
RIM Seminar - March 30 - Trafton on HRI
A RIM Seminar will be held by Greg Trafton from Naval Research Laboratory on Wednesday, March 30 at Noon. This talk will take place in the Marcus Nanotech Building. Lunch will be served. The seminar will focus on cognitive driven robotics systems and implications with in HRI.
RIM Seminar - March 16 - Cutkosky on Bio-inspired Design
A RIM Seminar will be held by Mark Cutkosky from Stanford University on Wednesday, March 16 at Noon. This talk will take place in the Marcus Nanotech Building and will focus on bio-inspired design.
RIM Seminar - March 2 - Niemeyer on Telepresence
A RIM Seminar will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 at Noon. The seminar will take place in the Marcus Nano Building at the corner of Ferst Dr and Atlantic Dr. The talk will focus on continuing challenges within telepresnce robotics.
RIM Seminar - Feb. 23 - O’Malley on Haptics
A RIM Seminar will be held on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 at Noon. The seminar will take place in the Marcus Nano Building at the corner of Ferst Dr and Atlantic Dr. The talk will focus on haptics and human control in rehabilitation roles.