Ashok Goel

- Office:
- TSRB 219
- Phone:
- 404-894-4994
- Email:
- ashok [dot] goel [at] cc [dot] gatech [dot] edu
- Website:
Dr. Ashok K. Goel is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. He conducts research into artificial intelligence and cognitive science, with a focus on computational design and computational creativity. The goals of his research are to model human creativity in practical tasks such as conceptual design of complex systems and to develop interactive tools for aiding people in creative tasks. His research posits analogical reasoning, visual reasoning, and meta-reasoning as fundamental processes of creativity. Current projects explore analogical reasoning in biologically inspired engineering design, visual reasoning on intelligence tests, and meta-reasoning in self-adaptive game-playing agents, More recently, Ashok has also conducted research into learning science and technology, with a focus on learning about complex systems. Current projects include learning about ecological systems in middle school science and about biological systems in interdisciplinary education in biologically inspired design.