Panagiotis Tsiotras

- Office:
- Knight 415-C
- Phone:
- 404-894-9526
- Email:
- p [dot] tsiotras [at] aerospace [dot] gatech [dot] edu
Dr. Tsiotras has published over 200 journal and conference papers in the area of dynamics and control of mechanical and aerospace systems. His current research interests include analysis and control of spacecraft, real-time optimal control, and control of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. Dr. Tsiotras is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, the Sigma Xi President and Visitor’s Award for Excellence in Research as well as numerous fellowships and scholarships. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Control and a past Associate Editor of the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics and of Dynamics and Control. He is a Fellow of the AIAA, and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
His research focuses on:
Multiresolution, intelligent path planning, with application to on-board guidance for aerial, space and ground vehicles
Hardware-driven control specifications and algorithms
Spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, autonomous rendezvous and docking of satellites in orbit
Ground vehicle control under extreme and abnormal driving conditions