RIM Fall Seminar Schedule Announced

The dates for the 2011 Fall RIM Seminar series have been scheduled for every other Wednesday, starting on August 24th and will be held in the Marcus Nanotech Building, Rooms 116-118. Please save the dates below on your calendar. Check the rim-seminar mailing list and seminar postings for up to date room info.
Complete listing of RIM@GT Fall Semester 2011 Seminar Series can be downloaded from here.
- August 24, 2011 - Ed Olson, UMICH
- September 7, 2011 - Bill Smart, WUSTL
- September 21, 2011 - TBD
- October 5, 2011 - Larry Davis, UMD
- October 19, 2011 - SK Gupta, UMD
- November 2, 2011 - Seth Hutchinson, UIUC
- November 16, 2011 - Peter Allen, Columbia
- November 30, 2011 - Howie Choset, CMU
- December 14, 2011 - Holly Yanco, UMASS Lowell